PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Custom Photographic / Digital Imaging Services
Please read before uploading
Due to the amount of orders uploaded and not picked up and paid for, we will not process any orders until payment is made. if a credit card is not on
file with us, you can call with a card number or you will be sent a pay pal invoice via email. you do not need to be a paypal member and there are no
extra charges.
We can accept files from most popular media, through internet email or our internet dropbox.
multiple files can be uploaded at the same time if all files are put in the same Zipped Folder. otherwise individual files can be uploaded 10 at a time.
to keep transfer time to a minimum, jpg's are recommended over tiff
Files or folders having hyphens or spaces in the filename will not upload.
after files are attached, be sure to click the upload file button to begin transfer. after uploads are completed, you will see a "successful file upload"
confirmation dialog box
an email will also automatically be sent to you notifying you that we received your files.
Remember to enter into the comments box, the sizes and quantities desired for each file, otherwise we cannot process your order.
Free shipping on orders totaling over $50
Does not apply to orders containing mounted prints larger than 16x20
or gallery wraps larger than 11x14
Photographic Techniques is no longer in business. All inquires and orders should be directed to:
Digital Services Houston 832.602.5811
Photographic Techniques website can still be used for information
.and to upload files for printing.